Surv. Semiu A. Ayinde

Structure and Functions

Department is Structured into three (3) Divisions namely:

  1. Interstate Boundaries West
  2. Interstate Boundaries East; and
  • Boundaries Research


  1. Preparation of specifications for internal boundary demarcations and survey;
  2. Delineation and demarcation of interstates boundaries’
  • Liaison with the National Boundary Commission on interstate
    boundaries and internal boundaries matters;
  1. Maintenance of interstate boundary vista;
  2. Liaison with the armed forces, security agencies and relevant MDAs on Internal Boundary issues;
  3. Arranging meetings on Internal Boundary matters;
  • Proffering solutions to all lingering issues on all Interstate Boundaries;
  • Advise the Surveyor-Genera] of the Federation on the best way to tackle Internal Boundary issues; and
  1. Organizing seminars, workshops and training for stakeholders on boundary issues in conjunct-ion with National Boundary Commission where applicable, amongst others.